Saturday, January 17, 2009

My knee hurts...

I think my ride today was a little much. I hit Daley Ranch for just over 12mi, but charged up all of the big hills on the back side of the park. I did much better this time and cleared said climbs (ok... 95% of them...), so I'm definitely getting stronger from the riding. Strong or not, my left knee is pretty sore now. The right knee feels fine - like I never rode. But the left just hurts... on the 'inside'. I don't know how to describe it, but my wife thinks it may be cartilage damage. We'll see - it usually gets better when I lay off of it for a while. I probably just pushed it too hard for the 'ol knee on those climbs today.
Daley Ranch: 12.2mi, 1850' climbing, 1:33 minutes. GPX  KML

1 comment:

  1. I think that a doc can let you know for sure whether or not it's cartilage damage and give you some options. Just a random thought. Good luck with it!
    Single Speed Revolution
    Ride One or Ride None!
